Visited Adlabs Imagica on Tuesday, 13-Jan-2015 with family. It is must visit place and good for 1 day outing, around 70 KM from Mumbai. Special ticket rates for happy Tuesdays - Rs. 999 Must visit rides (personal preference) 1) Alibaba aur Chalis Chorr 2) Mr. India 3) i for India 4) Nitro 5) Gold Rush Express 6) Rajasaurus River Adventure 7) Price of Dark Waters 8) Bump it Boats 9) Scream Machine (risky) 10) D2 - Dare Drop Nice to have Rides 1) Wrath of the Gods 2) Salimgarh 3) Mamo Chai Chama - Crazy Tea Cups 4) The Detective Bow Wow Show Rides you can skip 1) Motion Box Theatre (same as Mr. India) 2) Splash Ahoy (same as Bump it Boats) 3) Save the Pirate (same as D2 Dare Drop) 4) Deep Space (same as Nitro) 5) Tubbby Takes Off (Kids + Adult ride) Only for Kids 1) Loch Ness Expplorers 2) Happy Wheeels 3) Humpty's fall 4) Wagon-o-o-Wheel 5) The magic Carousel 6) Zooballoo
Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value - Albert Einstein